This news was initially published as
on 2016-12-30, it has been
migrated to this static website later.
The OCaml Forge was launched 9 years ago. Today, the OCaml community will probably benefit to switch to a more popular hosting option, like Github. Over the course of 2017, the content of the current forge will be transferred to a static website or given back to its author for a migration to another hosting provider.
The main reason of the deprecation is that the overall activity on the forge is low and I am mostly managing spammers on it.
- The number of projects starting on the forge is now close to 0 for the last 6 months.
- The number of users is only growing because of password renewals and spammers.
- The overall activity on the forge is only driven by a couple of people.
- The main traffic on the forge is actually robots and OPAM downloading archives.
- Most of the very active projects have already migrated to Github or are in the process to do so.
The plan is as follow, depending on the time I can spend on this:
Now: this announcement
At this point the forge will not accept any new projects.
Goal: Make the OCaml Forge users aware of the upcoming migration.
Now to April 2017: cleanup
Deprecate 2nd level websites and cleanup content of the forge:
-, and all other SCM related websites
- remove empty or default project websites (e.g.
- remove useless mailing list (e.g *-commits mailing with no mailing lists, empty mailing lists)
- remove spammy content (e.g. .html uploaded as bug attachments/patches)
Goal: Have a clean dataset to give back to author and be ready to migrate a clean forge to a static website.
March to November 2017: provide archive of project to users
Generate downloadable archive of projects, including:
- Bugs/Features requests
- Files section
- SCM dump
- Mailing list archive as mbox
- Content of the home directory of the project site
- News
I will drop:
- wiki
- patches or custom trackers
- *-commits mailing lists
- workflow
There is no plan to provide a script to migrate the downloadable archive to a new project on Github, since there are a lot of possible options for this kind of migration. I will provide a way to read the data in the archive, as an OCaml library, probably with my own migration scripts for the migration.
I will consider the option to do an HTTP redirect from the forge to the new hosting website, if it makes sense.
Goal: Allow former OCaml Forge users to migrate their project to a new hosting.
December 2017: 6. migrate to a static website for the forge.
Final step of the plan, everything switch to a static website.
Goal: Finalize the migration to a static host.
Other options considered
Things I have considered but I won’t do:
- Migrate from to and give control of the forge to another maintainer(s)
The ideas is to move the burden from me to another set of people. This may work for a time but I think ultimately Github is a better option. Better take the decision to end it myself.
Last words
I would like to thank everyone for their support over the years. The OCaml Forge was a great learning experience. At a personal level, I was a big user and it helped me to better work on some of my projects.
See you all on Github